Secret Mafia Wars Cheats Guide

By James Danielson

Let's start out with the basics of Mafia Wars Domination. It's an online social networking RPG game based on the Mafia. It's extremely organized and professional like the illegal Mafia. The general theme of Mafia Wars is to accumulate as much wealth and power as possible with out getting killed.

Players in the game are rewarded with money, experience, items and reputation, which in turn all allow you to increase your skill and power.

One of the things that you may have come to this site for is to seek a comprehensive strategy for a solid Mafia Wars strategy to level-up your character. If you've run yourself ragged begging people to join your mafia while continually getting pummeled to the ground by other mafias, the information that I am going to show you will turn the tables so other mobsters will be begging to be part of your family!

If you desire to be the next "Top Dog" in the hottest online game, read on! Grow your Mafia at super sonic speed and whack those who dare to get in your way! The Mafia Wars game created by Zynga is played just like the live street version run by real Mafioso!

Here's a fantastic Mafia Wars cheats guide to train you to dominate this game and literally kill those who try to stop you: Dominate Mafia Wars Cheat Guide.

There are tons free tips to level ahead of even the best players in the Mob without getting whacked. Find the latest secret strategies to leveling up your character here, plus I review the best Mafia Wars strategy guides so that you can steal the best secrets from the bosses of the world! It's the greatest site that has extremely reliable information on everything to do with Leveling and gaining notoriety in the Mafia.

Mafia Wars has 3 main character types:

1) Mogul-Earns money faster than any character

2) Maniac-Fastest energy recharger

3) Fearless-Recharges health faster

Your home page will display on the top a tool bar which shows:

Cash Stat. This is your balance sheet of cash. Don't forget that cash is king in the mob. In the beginning you get more cash by completing jobs, winning fights, and owning properties. I just dig being a real estate investor because instead of getting paid monthly, you get paid hourly! Don't get overly excited because just as a lot of money comes in, a lot of money goes out. Just call it the cost of doing business.

Up keep on vehicles and certain weapons require a maintenance cost-just like a tax. Just click on the tab that says Properties and you will see a number in red that displays "upkeep". When I say that cash is king, owning real estate is the ultimate cash cow king! Until your health hits 20 you are not able to fight. The Mafia Wars cheats guides will show you just what type of real estate to invest in and what to avoid!

Health. As you fight other players your health will drain if you hit below 20. Your fighting ability is suspended until you hit 20. Hit zero and you are dead. Period. Your gonna have to wait until you get more health to fight when this happens. If you can spare money, you always make a trip to the hospital.

Energy Stat. Energy is the fuel that allows you to do jobs. Click on the Jobs tab and you will see a matrix of jobs that you are allowed to do. Look at the jobs listed from left to right. This is where you will see job requirements, description, and payout. Take a look at "This job requires" to see how much energy it takes to complete that job. For example, if it says it takes 5 experiences, then 5 energy points will be clipped away. You cannot below zero energy, so you must have sufficient energy to start a job. Keep tabs on your energy stat and be aware when it hits "0", you need to recharge before the job can be completed. It takes 5 minutes to recharge 1 energy point. Maniacs get the 3 minute rule on this one-done in 3 minutes flat! Manage your energy because it is a very important stat.

Stamina Stat. If you are into fighting then stamina is going to be very important to you. In 5 minutes, you will regenerate 1 point of stamina. Take into consideration that a lot of stamina is required If you rob, attack, cash in on a hit, sucker punch, or place hits on other players. By doing these activities you greatly increases your experience. Negative Stamina is not allowed. If you run out of stamina, you will have to recharge.

Mafia Wars Main four main Objectives are: Keep leveling up your character, Grow your Mafia family, Maximize your fighting strength, Complete collections for special bonuses, and Earn impressive titles. - 30202

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