Best Mafia Wars Money Guide

By James Danielson

Playing Mafia Wars is costly and you are going to need a lot of money to play effectively. Fortunately, Mafia Wars Money is much easier to get your hands on than in the real working world. Your going to need money to purchase equipment, real estate, weapons,vehicles, and just the day to day things that come up.

How To Get Your Mafia Wars Money Flowing Like A Fire Hose. Since you already know that you are going to need tons of money, you probably are thinking that you are going to have to work real hard at lots of jobs. Wrong answer! Just as in the real working world, jobs suck! Did you ever play Monopoly as a kid? How did you get rich playing Monopoly? Real Estate. Lots of it! Do you remember Park Place? The rent was high and it cash flowed!

To get money flowing just like a fire hose, you are going to need to plow money into Mafia Mike's. Mafia Mike's are built on abandoned property. They are ugly but very useful in generating a huge amount Mafia Wars Money. You are allowed to purchase only 1 Mafia Mike's property for every 5 members you have in your mafia. It does not take a genius to figure that 500 people in your Mafia can get you up to 100 Mafia Mike's property. Mafia Mike's cannot get robbed-thus you get to keep your Mafia Wars money! Develop these properties after you have a well equipped Mafia in place to defend them.

Mafia Mike's is your Mafia Wars Money Bank. Do you really want to pay the 10% laundering fee that banks charge? I certainty do not! Plow all excess money into your investment properties until you have so much cash, that getting robbed or loosing a fight is still cheaper than paying the 10% banking fee on your money.

Don't get too foolish by Fighting everyone When you are new to MW, it's best to steer clear of fighting so you can hold on to your Mafia Wars Money. Never pick a fight. Stay away from robbing some one unless they are just so damn stupid and leave you no other choice than to "take them to the cleaners". Pick on the weak ducks and steal their money. Street thugs seek revenge! Just when you least expect it, someone you robbed or beat on will come back to squeeze Mafia Wars money out of you!

When you do have to use a bank, keep the bare minimum in your account. - 30202

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